Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Thing About THIS Life

We are all going to die one day.  It's something that we should think about.  I think that we make the mistake of forgetting that this life is finite.  There will be an end to it.  You can be sad, upset, scared or worried, but it's something we have to realize.

The problem with the world is that we think that we will last forever.  So we don't make plans.  We don't try to live THIS life.  We act like we're going to get another chance.  Please, for your sake and the sake of everyone who knows you, understand this.

You DON'T get another chance.  THIS is it.  Don't put things off until another day.  Don't wait to get that job that you want.  You have to try NOW.  You want to be an inventor?  Go invent something.  It's not going to invent itself.  You want to learn how to swim?  Fly a plane?  See Paris?  GO.  DO.  BE!!!

People would be happier if they were doing what they wanted to do.  We all complain about being stuck in a job we don't like, or being in a relationship that makes us unhappy.  People are upset that they don't ever get to leave town, or that they've never been to this place, or that one.

No one is stopping you.  There isn't someone there holding you down telling you no.  The only person stopping you from doing what you want to do, is you.  Go do it.

Don't be afraid of death, just the same as you shouldn't be afraid of life.

People don't like to think about death because they're afraid of it.  They worry that life is pointless.  That there is no hope, "I'll never get where I want in life, so why even try?"

First of all, you can be anything that you want to be.  No one out there has anything that you don't have.  You're just a human being, just like they are.  There are no such things as monsters, or superheroes.  Celebrities are only real because we make them real.

Do you think that someone who lived in Machu Picchu cared about any Native Americans who lived in the Los Angeles area of California 600 years ago?  Do you think that they spent hours and hours trying to find out what they were doing?  What they were up to?

That's the world we live in now.  We'd rather live vicariously through someone else who lives thousands of miles away, than take care of our kids, or pay attention to our jobs, or live our own lives.

If you became the most famous person in the world, but you never did anything, what is your worth?  When you're dead and gone, how will history look back at you.  How will your children remember you?

People are afraid of death because they're either afraid that they'll go to hell or that there will be nothing after this and it's all over.  There IS something that comes after this.  And it came after for everyone else before us.


You have to live for your children and all the ones that come after us.  You must. This is how we live on.  Everything we do as a collective people will be how we're remembered.  Will we be remembered as a version of the human race that was always fighting, or always striving to attain more?

Imagine that the entire human race was focused on ONE cause.  If we were all trying to make everything better for the future.  Coming up with ideas on how to fix the world and actively working TOGETHER to make it happen.  We'd see it done in our lifetimes and WE would be the greatest generation.  Every generation that came after us would look back to us and see that WE changed the world.  That's a world I want my kids and grandchildren to grow up in.  That's how I want to be remembered.

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