Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Imagination really is something special. We start off with so many great ideas as children.  Then, when we get older, we are taught that some things can't be done.  Hasn't history proven time and again that we can do just about anything we put our minds to?

We need to stop teaching our children the word "impossible.". They should never even know that word exists. 

Imagine you brought someone from any point in history and brought them to our time. They would think that this is all magic. Impossible.  

But without the forward thinkers, without the ones who made the impossible, possible, we would never have gotten this far. 

Let your kids dream...  And when they dream, don't discourage them.  Let them believe that they can do it. 

Without impossible thoughts, there can be no innovation.  There can be no growth. There can be no advancement.  

Let your children change the world. 

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