Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake and others...

Sometimes I listen to the music of Jeff Buckley or Nick Drake and I'm sad. I don't think I should be, but sometimes I just am. 

They made 4 albums altogether and they are, all four, beautiful. Sometimes I wonder how you're supposed to feel about death, especially young death. 

It's sad that they're gone and never had a chance to see their success. 

At the same time, I'm glad that they never had to deal with the nonsense of fame. Or of getting old and losing what talent they had.  

Their talent shone for a brief while and their lives ended abruptly. 

It's not just them, there are countless others that we lost before we thought that they should go. 

It's not up to us, though. It never was, and it never will be up to us. We're conceived, we live, we die and we get no say in the matter for any of it. If we exist, we WILL do all three. 

Enjoy it while you can. 

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