Wednesday, August 20, 2014


How do we describe consciousness?  

Being alive and awake.  Realizing that you exist. Right?

If you believe in God, it's your soul. If you don't, then its something like an electrical impulse generated by your brain. Either way, it's indescribable and undefinable. There is really no way to prove or disprove either as fact. 

We know we exist, and we know that our brains produce electrical impulses, but where does that leave consciousness?

We can see a heart, we can describe what it does, and what it's purpose is.  We can see lungs and how they interact with the oxygen taken in and your blood.  We can see the brain and at least get an idea of where most things work, but we just can't pin down that consciousness. 

Science tells us that we are what our experiences tell us we are, but what about inspiration?  Invention?  Creating something that never existed in the past and making it real. 

How do we take two pieces of information and create something new from them?  What gives us that ability?  

Again, if you believe in God it makes sense: you receive Divine inspiration. 

If you don't believe in God, then what else could it be?  I've never read or written these words in this configuration before, what gives me the ability to do this?  

How does a storyteller, like Stephen King, write and create new stories about people and places and things that never existed?  

If we evolved from from the "primordial soup" at the beginning of time, what made us realize that we are what we are and that we have the ability to create and destroy and feel good or bad about it?

Evolution works in so many ways, but as soon as you throw consciousness into the mix it all falls apart.  How can you evolve a state of consciousness. How do you evolve lucidity?  What would be the evolutionary reasoning behind it?  

If it was something that we evolved, say, a million years ago, then why are humans the only ones that did so?  Why would anything want to be a platypus?

Why would we develop fear or sadness?  If our brains are constantly evolving into something better, then why aren't we all robotic beings, similar to ants?  Wouldn't the human race move forward so much faster if we never daydreamed?  If there was only focus?

All I can do is ask questions on this one.  You have to believe what you want. I can't change your mind or make you think the way that I do.  It's up to you.  

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