Friday, September 26, 2014

Losing Control

Don't let anything bring you down, or anger you.  Let go of it.

It's not yours to carry.

Things happen and there is nothing that you can do about them, especially after they've happened.

As Bobby McFerrin so wonderfully put it: "Don't worry.  Be Happy."

There is just no reason to take the responsibility of everything around you.  YOU, and only you, are in control of your brain.  You make the decisions that make you angry, or that keep you happy.

Stop thinking about the past so much.  No amount of thinking will ever change what happened, or didn't happen.

The only things that you can do about something that has past, is hurt something or someone else (anger), hurt yourself (sadness), or let it go and live on (happiness, bliss).

You can still learn from your mistakes.  But don't dwell on them.  Dwelling on mistakes only makes you not want to do anything again.  Learn and move on.

Stop standing still because you're afraid.  Move forward...  Move along...  Go, now, and be anything...

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Jesus traveled through Samaria where he came upon a well alone, while his disciples were in town buying food.  When a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well, Jesus asked her for a drink.  She said no, because Jews and Samaritans don't associate with each other.

Jesus explains to her that although the water he asks for will not quench His thirst forever.  He will be thirsty again.  All that drink the water will be thirsty again.  And yet she says no.

He goes on to explain that: even though she says no, that God, if asked, would say yes to His "living" water that gives everlasting life.  God, if asked, gives everlasting life, and yet she won't share her water which is nothing but normal everyday well water.

He explains to her that a time is coming where people will worship the Lord everywhere.  Not just on the mountaintop, or in Jerusalem, but everywhere.  He tells her that God's worshipers must worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH.

She says, "I know that the Messiah is coming.  When he comes, he will explain everything to us."

To which Jesus replies, "I who speak to you am he."

She is telling him that she will receive answers from the Messiah when he returns and he is telling her: "You just did."

Sometimes we just have to open our ears and listen to God's word.  Stop trying to figure everything out for ourselves.  It's not all up to us.  Just do God's work and all will be revealed.

Jesus continues in this chapter and his disciples return and tell Him to eat.  He says that he has food to eat that they know nothing about.

Jesus sees that they don't understand and says to them that: "My food, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."

He asks them how they wait for a harvest.  They wait months at a time for the harvest.  He says: "Open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."

"Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so the the sower and the reaper may be glad together."

"I sent you to reap what you have not worked for.  Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."

You've already won.  The work has already been done for you and you have God on your side.  We are standing on the shoulders of giants.

Go reap the benefits.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Everyone wants to be remembered.

Are we supposed to put all of our information down on the computer?  Is that how we want to be remembered?

How do you want to be remembered?  Like your Facebook posts?  In 100 years people will know who you are by the content of your Facebook account.  This is your legacy, don't waste it.  You only get one chance.

Why do we always worry about how people will think of us, or remember us?
We don't remember any of our ancestors.  It would be nice if we could know more about them.  Would it help us?

Does it matter if you are remembered?  It won't to you once you're gone from this planet.  So who would it matter to, if it doesn't matter to you?  Not even your ancestors will really care.  How often do YOU think of your ancestors?

Shouldn't we be putting all of our faith in God and only worry about how He remembers us?  Our bodies and the things we do are of this world.  We don't get to keep them, or use them as bargaining chips or credits towards the future.

Doesn't everyone eventually get forgotten anyway?  No matter how great you were on this earth, eventually there will be plenty of people (if not all of them) that won't have any idea who you are.  they won't even care to know.  So stop worrying about it.

Should we write everything down so that future generations can see how we lived and continue to move forward?  I think so.  I think that everyone should write though.

Start writing and making your own story.  Don't let someone else tell your story for you.  We should all be writing about our days, every day.  Future generations could use all of our knowledge.

Do God's work, Be good.  Be love.

Don't be fear.  Don't be afraid.

We are all part of God's plan.  Let go of your plans, and just do what you were put here to do.

There are many sets of instructions out there.  Use them.  Learn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


A computer's speed is only limited by the hardware running the instructions. 

The energy entering the computer runs at the speed of light (in a vacuum). 

Theoretically, a computer with the proper hardware could run every instruction/calculation/program to infinity and back instantaneously. With the current hardware limitations, a computer slows down when there are too many instructions to keep up with. 

However the better the hardware, the more it can handle at once. (More memory, more storage, more registers, more processing power (more units to keep heat down), etc.) 

Our brain is a computer. Our thoughts move at the speed of light as well. 

However, we are held back by OUR hardware. One of the problems with our hardware and current operating system is that it is ALWAYS running tons of programs all at once. 

When you meditate, go into a sensory deprivation chamber, or when you sit and listen to white noise and put half ping pong balls over your eyes, you are shutting down some of your programs and allowing for faster computation. 

THIS is why "moments of eternity" happen, when you meditate or sleep.  Your brain turns off certain functions and can process more in a shorter amount of time. 

(Your thoughts are technically experiencing a form of time travel) 

When we focus on one thing, and turn off all external stimulus, you can do just about anything you want with your brain. 

This is why autistic people are so good at certain things. They are not affected by all of the external stimulus that we are. They are free to use their entire brain to focus on a single problem. 

The saying is true: "You become what you think about." If you want something enough, you will get it. 

Our brains are incredible computers, if we REALLY, TRULY want something, then we have to take time out of our days to FOCUS on what it is that we want and find the proper instructions on how to get there. 

As this world has proved, time and time again, ANYTHING is possible, if you put your mind to it.


Why can't every day be like your wedding day?

Everything seems so perfect. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Message to Kids

If you want to get ahead in life. Impress the adults. Not the kids around you.  

You can impress them later. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

So I Had This Dream Last Night...

YT?The police run the show now.  Everywhere is literally a police state.  When they want money from you, they don't need to solicit bribes.  All they have to do is get your attention. They call to you and you're supposed to drop some money.  Sometimes they prefer your wallet or you whole purse.  I always keep an extra wallet or two on me just in case.

As I walk by a policeman, he calls to me and according to the custom, I drop some money.  After collecting my money, he comes up brandishing a dirty old kitchen knife and asks me:

"Can I kill you now?"

"No sir, if you kill me now, you can't get anymore money from me in the future.  Also, I'm very valuable to your friends, and they'd be disappointed if I weren't around no more."

"Well that's a shame.  I was really looking forward to killing you."

"Don't worry officer, one day my time will come."

After avoiding the pleasure of the officer's company, I continue down the glass alley towards D-7.  D-7 is the last of the occupied districts before the wastelands.

As you walk around D-7 you can see the strippers plain as day through the glass walls.  All of the depravity and waste of what's left of England is here.  It's all city now.  No green, and most people don't even remember what greenery was like.  It's all just steel, concrete and glass.

I look behind me and I realize that the officer from earlier is still on my tail.  He's either really curious, or his will for my blood is too strong.  Since I can't have him follow me to where I'm going, I lead him to a secluded area.

As I turn the corner, I slip into a small crack in the wall.  I can smell the officer before I hear him:

"Where in the bloody hell did he go?!  I know you're back here, I saw you!  Come on out and I'll play a game with you."

I can see him and he's spitting as he shouts.

"If you don't let me find you, I'll just go back and see if I can't find a kid that I can hurt instead.  Maybe it will be someone you care about."

I don't doubt it.

"You have a family?  I sure hope so... I can tell by the way you're dressed what part of the city you're from.  You look too clean for this shithole.  Maybe I'll just go back to your area and me and my friends will find someone you care about."

I don't have any family left, they already took that from me.  The thought of this buffoon hurting anyone else's family in my name is too much for me.  I call out:

"I'm back here," as I slip out of the crack behind him. "Don't hurt anyone else," the girls stop dancing in the windows and are now watching this bizarre scene play out through their glass walls.  "I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt anyone else."

"Wise decision boy."

As he steps towards me, I pull out a retractable baton, courtesy of one of his fellow bobbies from one of my prior run-ins with the law.

"Where'd you get that?!" He screams.

"Oh this?  This won't be the last souvenir that I get from an officer."

"You sonofabitch," he yells as he charges towards me.

He lunges with his kitchen sword outstretched and I spin to avoid it, while simultaneously cracking him across the jaw with the baton.

"Aaaagghhh!!!  Yooobrokemyfuckkingjaw!!!"


As he comes back at me, I have to be careful.  He's angry now and less predictable.  He flails wildly as he tries to drive the knife into my stomach, cutting my shirt.

I move back as he slashes at my throat and continues his attack.

My baton rings true against his elbow and he loses the knife.  As he momentarily watches the knife fall to the ground, I catch him again across his face.

Before he falls to the ground, I'm at the knife picking it up.  I walk towards him as he lays there, half conscious and I whisper to him:

"Your people already killed my family.  I don't have anything left to lose."  I drive the knife deep into his stomach, before I leave it in his neck.

The girls who stayed and watched the entire show are screaming now.  I have to get out of here.  I've exposed myself.  I run down to the end of the hall.  To the end of D-7.

One of the girls, the only one not screaming watches me as I begin my ascent into D-8 and the wastelands.

In awe of what I've just done she follows.

Then I woke up....