Thursday, March 10, 2016

Every Day

Every single day of life is an entire experience.  So many good things happens, so many bad things happen and so many, well... just things happen. 

Every single human on earth experiences life until they don't. Just like you. 

Every single living human on earth thinks, dreams, hopes, fears, loves, hates, tries, fails, succeeds, and dies.  Also just like you. 

Life isn't always easy, but that doesn't have to make you believe that it's impossible. 

I tell myself, every single day, that: 

"I am in complete control of how I feel. I decide what makes me happy. No one can affect my mood unless I allow them to."

Close your eyes and find yourself.  When you do, take your own hand and tell yourself, "It's going to be okay. This is our life. We cannot control what happens outside, but in here we are safe."

Then ask, "Where do you want to go from here?"